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Today I added a simplistic water buoyancy mechanic to Tutel. For now only objects with a specific script will float, while everything else sinks - which for now is all that's needed.

Next, I need to add to the character controller so when in water they can swim around.

I also messed around more with my water shader graph - I still cannot figure out an easy way for the top surface to stretch the sides (rather than just be detach and float), but currently, it's not a priority and I might end up going with a 3rd party shader anyway.

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Today I worked more on my dummy ONI mod, looking at other, well established, modder's repos and tried to understand more about patching into the game through Harmony 2.0.

There is actually a modders library that I could use, saving me from a lot of the hassle, but before I do that, I want to understand what it does a little bit more. Furthermore, going through the process of trying to understand it all (although at times feeling like I'm banging my head against a wall) is getting me to refresh on C# - what's new nice I first learned it, what conventions are now used, etc.

Some of the things I have learned more about are: Lambdas, delegates, variable type var (and when to best use them), and that despite my professor's dislike for early returns they are used and useful.

Today I researched more about GLSL, particularly into changing between shaders at run time. Off the back of that, I learned about preprocessing and GLSL program pipelines. I need to look a lot more into these topics, but it was a good start. My next step will be to test out compiling multiple GLSL programs and changing between then at run time - I think I will have to also use Uniform Buffer Objects to reduce set uniform calls.

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